We could not express enough gratitude for the generosity of our wonderful corporate sponsors!
Your corporate sponsorship and partnership have greatly benefited our students, teachers, and the Chinese Cultural School of Atlanta. We are so grateful for your kindness. Our appreciation is immeasurable for your trust in us and your contribution to our mission.
Thank you again for sponsoring us.
學校宗旨 Mission:
傳承文化,蘊育下一代始於語言學習的歷程!造就莘莘學子成爲有理想抱負的社會青年,不僅僅是中華文化學校創校近30年不變的宗旨,更是代代相傳的使命!教導學子學習中文並肩負社會責任,這是每一位中華文化學校教職人員的共識! Our mission is to educate and inspire all students to be lifelong learners, to educate all students to the highest levels of academic achievement, to enable them to reach and expand their potential, and to prepare them to become productive, responsible, ethical, creative and compassionate members of society.
Chinese Cultural School of Atlanta (CCS) was established in August 1996. It was created by parents who envisioned a friendly environment for their children to learn the Chinese culture and language.
The faculty and staff at Chinese Cultural School of Atlanta are committed to provide an education that will prepare students to become lifelong learners. In CCS, we offer the best of both Chinese Pin-Yin and Zhu-Yin phonetic systems.
中華文化學校是亞特蘭大獨一無二的中文學校!聘有20多位教學經驗豐富的老師。註冊學生達 150 多位。
Since its inception, CCS has become one of the most prestigious Chinese schools in the metro-Atlanta area, with 30 highly qualified teachers and more than 250 registered students.
創校25多年來,文化學校培育辛辛學子多達 600 餘人。這些校友有些回臺經商,有些在主流社會創業貢獻並成立家庭。他們的第二代也代代相傳回歸中文學校學習中文。
More than 600 students graduated from Chinese Cultural School of Atlanta. Many of them have great achievements in their lives and still stay connect with the schools.
Start from
Registered Students
What Our Students Say
I started Chinese Cultural School from Kindergarten all the way to high school. I never missed a day of school. With my teacher's help, I am able to read, write , speak Chinese fluently.
Noah L.
Nothing gives you a better feel for the diverse curriculum and strong organization who support you every step away. My teacher truly cares for each student and puts in the effort to give everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
Yuna H.
I love the school. I'm am attending to have Chinese as my second language. I learn many new things from this place. I highly recommend this school to everyone.
Sydney H.
Best Chinese School
The most prestigious Chinese schools in the metro-Atlanta area
With our highly trained teachers' help, you will learn and understand the beautiful art of traditional Chinese script, be able to speak like native Chinese speaker , and read Chinese made with either of the phonetic systems.
Best Class Programs
Through a program of continuous progress, a positive environment enhances the education of each child according to his or her particular needs and unique abilities.
Meet your individual needs
This is the one stop shopping where you can find all your education needs for your children.
You are a student, want to learn Chinese with us?
Classes start every semesters. You can join the classes any time during the year which best fit your busy life. Our staffs will help your children select the best classes for them.