Big CONGRATULATIONS to 沈宇蘋 老師 and 許良禎 老師 for achieving Teachers Award for teaching 10 years!!! Thank you for your hard work and dedication!

Chinese Cultural School of Atlanta Faculty & Staff

蔡仲彥 老師
Chung Yen Tsai
書法/國畫 Calligraphy
I have 30+ years of experience teaching. I use speech, song, listening comprehension, writing in order to let students learn Chinese in a joyful way. My students and I enjoy our time and will work together to learn. My students care for each other and help each other throughout class. With a good attitude towards learning, my students learn and progress quickly. “

許良禎 老師
Liang-Jen Hsu
會話 Conversation
I had the Master of Fine Art degree from Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. I used to work as an Interior and Graphic Designer over 15 years. After I had two lovely kids, then I start to be an Art Instructor of Georgia Perimeter College, Art Teacher of Atlanta Contemporary Chinese Academy and Art Teacher of Arts & Crafts Class / Chinese Culture School for the past 10 years. Recently, I will teach A2 Chinese class of CCS. I use song, story, creative drawing and game to teach Chinese. All students will have fun to learn. Also parents will fully participate with all class activities and home works. It will keep students consistency learning Chinese not only in school but also at home.

沈宇蘋 老師
Yu Ping Shen
A9 and A4
I am a native Mandarin speaker from Taipei, Taiwan and a mom of 3 kids, ages 10, 7 and 3. I majored in Social Work from Fu-Jen Catholic University in Taiwan and mastered in Media Arts at Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts. My family publishing company background had trained me to speak and write Chinese precisely. I believed that a mother is the first teacher of her children so I’ve read different education theories. I also believed that different kids need different learning methods.
I’ve taught my kids to read Chinese since they were born and they ALL love it. I would love to share my enthusiasm of learning Mandarin with young kids or beginners through various activities such as rhymes, kids’ songs and hands on activities. Homeschooling my children has taught me a lot in terms of keeping their interests, increasing their attention span, and honing their handwriting.
If you are interested in letting your kids learning Chinese, please come try our Chinese phonic class. This phonic system has been proven to promote better recognition and pronunciation. These letters were inspired from the Chinese characters, so students will feel familiar as they learn to read Chinese characters. In this perspective, writing Chinese will be like playing puzzle instead of drawing non-sense.
Chinese is one of the most difficult languages in the world. Tradition Chinese reserve the most beautiful and meaning parts of this language. If you’ve decided to go for it, why not get the solid foundation from the beginning?
Growing up in a Christian family, I value each kid as a wonderful creation from God. I really appreciate that God has given me this opportunity to come along side your child to help them learn Chinese.

柯怡菁 老師
Christine Ko

阮敏如 老師
Min-Ju Juan
A7, B5 and 兒童初學 Beginner
Ms. Juan is currently a Chinese teacher at Chinese Cultural School and a public school. She has more than twenty years of teaching experience. Ms. Juan’s areas of specialization include differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all learners and employing innovative technologies that enable 21st century skills to engage and motivate students. She is also experienced in assign curriculum and lesson plans. Ms. Juan holds a Master’s Degree in Education from the Ohio State University.

張化禮 老師
Hua-Li Chang
A6 and 拼音 Pinyin

劉淑薏 老師
Sherry Liu

何佩君 老師
Peggy Ho
A1 and B2

黃千珂 老師

陳小燕 老師
Hsiao Yen Chen
A 注音班ZuYing
美術與勞作 Art and Crafts

蔡漢民 老師
Han Min Tsai
桌球 Table Tennis

章熙誠 老師
Kwok Tse
Math I, II, III

林丞瑄 老師
Sophie Lin
程式設計 Python III

林丞宇 老師
Keefer Lin
程式設計 java Coding II

布蘭登·祖拉夫斯基 老師
Brandon Zurawski
寫作 Creative Writing

吳天壬 老師
Ethan Wu
舞獅 Lion Dance
I am a Junior at North Gwinnett High School. I have been training for Lion and Dragon Dances since early middle school. I have performed both Lion and Dragon Dances in various events, such as the Lunar New Year celebration at Stone Mountain Park, Wedding Ceremonies, Multicultural Nights, libraries, temples, and Inaugurations for both private and non-profit organizations. I enjoy and appreciate all these opportunities, and I would love to use my experiences and what I have learned to teach and inspire the CCS students to continue this unique and beautiful Chinese traditional culture.
In my free time, I love running, playing guitar, and traveling with my family.

劉 老師
Peter Liu
古典吉他 Classic Guitar

黃恩璽 老師
Daphne Huang
扯鈴 Taiwanese Yo-Yo

宋睿 老師
Sebastian Soong
舞獅 Lion Dance
I’m Sebastian Soong and I’m a junior at northview high school. I’ve been drumming for lion dance for around 2 years now, and have started to be part of the actual lion too. One of my favorite parts of doing lion is being able to perform for many different events such as the Stone Mountain lunar new year. Being able to teach here is an incredible opportunity and I hope that I can spread more knowledge about this art to different people.

宋璿 老師
Serina Soong
舞獅 Lion Dance
I’m a Junior at Northview High School, in my free time I enjoy dancing and hanging out with friends. I’ve been practicing lion and dragon dance for about three years now. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to perform at many events and celebrations and even got the chance to perform at Stone Mountain’s Lunar New Year event. I love being able to perform while spreading my culture and hope I can bring the same joy to CCS students. I hope that by performing, we inspire more people to acknowledge our culture and create more memories.

林香蘭 校長
Edith Bell - Principal

夏忠菁 副校長
Ching Hsia - Assistant Principal
B 10
Teaching is my passion. I am currently teaching Chinese every Saturday and Sunday. As for rest of the week, I work as a medical interpreter. I teach all levels from basic pinyin to advance Chinese. I have been teaching from 2005 and witnessed my students growing up from a child to an adult, going to college and into the real world. Seeing how my students progressed to a future leader in the society, makes me certain that this is where I belong. I am proud of my students and work with them to push their limits. Lastly, I love DOGS!